Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013



apa gue harus taruhan apa jawaban dari sms gue ke dia barusan?

"sorry gue ketiduran" lagi ??

tau sih gue bukan tipe orang yang mudah tidur siang

=to be continued=


this person is like an exorcist

who push me to fight the evil on me

because it's too hurt ?

or thanks to?

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013


dapet sms pas gue baru mau tidur siang di hari hujan dengan hawa yang enak

gue belain bales sms nya...

nggak ada sms balesan...

gue ga ngantuk lagi...

beberapa jam kemudian ada sms masuk

sorry gue ketiduran

you ruin my sleep time with your text you know and you.. you...!

oh shiy ! !

gue rasa sekarang gue bener2 phobia sama sms masuk


Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

part 2

this content has been removed by the writer

you can read it here

Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

part 1

this content has been removed by the writer

you can read it here
